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How to secure a Business Bad Debt Deduction

By: Brandon Parkes Does your business have a tough time collecting payments from certain clients or vendors? Some operations are still feeling the impact on business activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, even years after the onset. It may be a small comfort, but...

Is Disability Income Taxable?

By: Brandon Parkes There are many Americans that receive and rely upon disability income. Some may wonder if the disability income they receive is taxable and as is often is the case with tax questions, there is no simple “yes” or “no” answer. The most simplistic way...

IRA to HSA Transfers

By: Brandon Parkes Are you aware that you can transfer funds from your IRA directly to a Health Savings Account (HSA) without incurring any taxes or penalties? According to the IRS, taxpayers are permitted to make exactly one “qualified HSA funding distribution”...